Thursday, March 21, 2013

Power of Prayer

This will be short but sweet.
Charles Spurgeon talked about a "Boiler Room".  This Boiler Room is not the typical that provides heat for the church to keep our bodies warm, but to provide heat for the church to keep our Spirit on FIRE!  The readers digest version of this story go like this.....During one of Spurgeons sermons it was claimed to be miraculous to have over 3000 people attend a particular church service.  When told this, Spurgeon replied "the miracle was in the 200 people in the basement praying for this service".

What a blessing it is to be able to pray for each other.  What a blessing it is to have someone else trust you so much that they ask you to pray for them.  What a blessing it is to pray for your church and get to watch what happens as God responds.  I have been greatly blessed to have gotten in on a prayer group through my church.  It's all treated as confidential information but how awesome is it to pray for people that you know and love?  Some people share their issues and request for prayer, some leave their concerns but do so anonymously, while others leave unspoken prayers to be lifted up.  I am absolutely blessed to get to pray for these friends, neighbors, and often family.  As I prayed through the email this morning I knew I had to share this.  Someone of you that is reading this needs to be involved in this type of ministry.  If your church has a prayer ministry, approach the pastor and volunteer.  If they don't have one as why not and how have we made it this long without one!  or better yet, start one..... You only need confidentiality and a loving heart.  Remember if you're praying for the needs of others in your church, they may not want their needs to be common knowledge.

If you don't have a prayer list or know of anyone that needs prayer, pray for me.  I am always willing to pray and more than willing to accept an offer of prayer from anyone that is willing to pray.

Father God
Thank You for allowing us to talk directly to You
Thank You for allowing us to care enough for each other that we bring many concerns to You
Thank You for allowing us to sometimes see the fruits of this labor of love
Thank You for Loving us


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