Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Evangelical Christians....We have a problem!

I saw this last night on CBS news....
"Among the more startling numbers in the survey, conducted last year by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life: 57 percent of evangelical church attenders said they believe many religions can lead to eternal life, in conflict with traditional evangelical teaching."

That right there tells me that 57% of Evangelical church attenders are in trouble! That is part of the problem of this whole religion thing. SO many people only hear what they want to hear. They believe the parts that dont push against their comfortable lifestyles that are full of holes that they just dont see right now. Satan will lead you to a church and let you listen to what is said, then he'll try to pervert it and make you think "that part isnt so important, and that part doesnt apply to me". Look at Adam and Eve, Satan led them astray by twisting the words..."Is that really what He said.....Is that what God meant to say?" "He just doesnt want you to be as good as Him".
Folks with all my Heart and Soul, Here is the Truth. We are not as Good as God. We can not make it on our own. We continually fall short of the glory of God. We can not make it to Heaven without Jesus Christ! We can only be with Jesus if we believe He is the Way, He is the Truth, His Blood was shed to wash away my Sin.
If you have doubts where you will spend eternity, you better seek God NOW! If you have doubts you're probably not going where you're hoping!

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